
TASPO is necessary or unnecessary?

I discuss TASPO is necessary in today’s world. TASPO is the card which is necessary when Japanese buy a cigarette with a vending machine in Japan. They need an identification card to make TASPO. And write documents and get TASPO in two weeks. I examined it about this. I examined it on the internet. A result, the person who agreed was 60% and the person who disagreed was 40%. An agree reason are first, because regulation disappears in the sale time for vending machine, we can buy a cigarette anytime. Second, we can prevent smoking of the minority. A disagree reason are first, because a procedure takes time. Second, we are inconvenient when I lose a TASPO. The reasons TASPO is unnecessary are because we can buy a cigarette in a convenience store even if we cannot buy with a vending machine and we process making TASPO is troublesome.

Comparison of British Christmas and New Year with Chinese Christmas and New Year

Today, I’m going to compare Japanese Christmas and New Year with Chinese Christmas and New Year.
In Britain, Christmas Day is a holiday, but Christmas Eve is not. People buy presents for friends and family and hide them until Christmas Eve. Then they put the presents under the Christmas tree. People usually have parties on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas Day with their family. On Christmas Day, people go to church, open their presents, eat Christmas lunch and watch the Queen’s Speech. Christmas lunch is usually roast turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables, mince pies and Christmas pudding.
In Japan, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is not holiday. Most people buy presents for friends and family and hide them until Christmas Day. Then they don’t put the presents under the Christmas tree. People usually eat Christmas cake on Christmas Day. In Japan, don’t have party. Most Japanese people are Buddhism. So, people don’t go to church. In Japan, Christmas Day is not important like Britain. But, Japanese people like Christmas season.
In Britain, New Year is a short holiday. Only January 1st is a holiday. People go to parties on New Year’s Eve. Stay up until midnight with family and friends and celebrate New Year with champagne. Although January 2nd is not a holiday, many people stay home. There is no special food for New Year.
In Japan, New Year is a long holiday. Almost people are January 1st to January 3th. People go to the Shinto shrine for prayer. And, people pull a sacred lot. New Year’s Eve, stay up until might night with family and friends like Britain. But, Japanese people are not with champagne. Japanese people are cerebrating with buckwheat noodles. Japanese children get money on January 1st. This is a New Year’s present. There is special food for New Year. This food calls “Osechi food”. In Japan, New Year is important.
In both Japan and Britain, people spend the holidays with family and friends. In Britain, people eat special food at Christmas, but In Japan, people eat special food at New Year. In Britain, people give presents at Christmas only, but In Japan, people give presents at Christmas and New Year. In Britain, Christmas is more important, but In Japan, New Year is more important.

I spent Christmas Day with my friends. I eat Christmas cake. And I exchange Christmas present. I like Christmas season. And I spent New Year with my family. I’m going to Shinto shrine, and I eat special food. New Year’s Eve is cerebrate with buckwheat noodles, and watch TV with my family. January 1st, I get money. So I like New Year.